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Events & Famous visitors !
This is what is going to happen in our shop and special visitors we had along the year.
Please come back regurlarly to see what will happen at "La Soupe du Jour"
Saturday 31 October 2015
From 11am
Join us to celebrate Halloween
Craft activities for Children
Pumpkin soups !
Thank you for your participation in the
Mac Millan Coffee morning
on the 26th September 2015
On Saturday 26th September, La Soupe du Jour hosted a Mac Millan Coffee morning where cakes and hot drinks were available for the benefit of Mac Millan.
Every hot drink purchased have been for the benefite of the charity.
Our eldest customer:
Marion is 103 years old
and she likes the Tuscan tomato Soup
Marion is a regular visitor of our shop in Warrington, She likes Tuscan Tomato and when she does not come with her daughter, her daughter comes and gets a “soup take away” for her
!Marion is 103 years old... Imagine what she saw along the years in Warrington since 1912 !
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